Friday, 21 September 2018

BEHIND THE SCENE : Working on my online shop

Another behind the scene type of post for this week. I personally really love to read this kind of posts and I hope you enjoy it too. As you may know I am planning to run an online shop. But before anything I have to create and prepare the thing which is, clearly, a big job.

 + THE SHOP.  

I admit, I didn't dug very far on this question, I chose the easy way, Etsy. I wanted to have a shop that would be convenient to use for me and for customers. When it comes to buy online, I feel pretty safe with this kind of platform and I really wanted people to have the same feeling, because I think it is really important. Maybe later I'll change for something more personal but for now it is perfect for what I need. Do you guys have any experience regarding online shop platforms, Etsy or another ?

If you're new to the business, as I am, you should know that building an actual shop is a huuuge work! I would never have thought it would take so long. I should be used to this kind of stuff by now but, weirdly, I always tend to think everything is going to be super quick to do. Ahaha! Nope. Man, it is taking freaking long, and I only sell like 7 products. I quite feel like a potato right now.
But anyway, I guess it's better to take a bit more time to make things properly instead of redoing them later.


Appart from the online shop, I also had to prepare all the materials I need to run it and send the orders.
  1. Clear Plastic bags:
    Very important when it comes to protect the product against humidity during the shipping. I bought mines at They are made from corn starch which means that they are entirely bio-degradable.
  2. Envelopes:
    Also very important, right ? I used to bought bubble envelopes but I noticed that postman sometimes fold it in the letters box. Bad postman. So I ordered cardboard envelopes. More rigid and Eco-friendly! I bought them at which is a french supplier.
  3. Cardboard sheets:
    Are a freaking nightmare to buy in France. I had to contact a factory in UK and I am still waiting for their answer. But anyway, it's really handy when it comes, again, to the product's safety. I bought them mainly because I still have some bubble envelopes I want to use but I don't want the product to be damaged. The safer = the better.
  4. "Please don't bend":
    Speaking of safety. I used to write this by hand but it's quite long actually. I decided to make a sticker of it, so it's a bit more personal and faster. Plus making those kind of labels is really affordable. I made them printed by my usual printer I really love how they turned!

  5. A little extra:
    When I was running my first shop, I use to write a "thank you" note with a little drawing. I kinda like those little personal details when it comes to tiny shops. Unfortunately, I know that with all the client work, I will not have time to do that anymore. So I printed a card with an illustration on the front and a note on the back. I only show you the front so maybe, if one day you order from my shop, you'll discover the back. 


Right now, I don't have a lot of products to sell but I am working on it. If everything goes as I planned, finger crossed, the next update will be around end October. Because I really want to make new things for Christmas season.

Also, one of the things I am digging to do is freebies! I am planning to give a sticker for every order made in the shop. And the sticker will change each month and will be exclusive. Let's see if I can manage to make it! Do you have any suggestion concerning those stickers or another kind of gift ?

 AT 7 PM (UTC+2) 

But don't worry I will post here and on social medias! Have a great week-end, see you on Sunday! x x x 

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